deep palmar arch

  • 掌深弓
deep palmar archdeep palmar arch
  1. The deep palmar arch , besides the traditional ( view-point ), also consists of the branches of the redial artery and the ulnaris digiti minimi artery .


  2. When the needle penetrated deep palmar arch , the maximal angle between the needle and distal dorsal palm was 28.3 ± 4.5 ° .


  3. Results : There were superficial palmar arch , deep palmar arch , radial palmar anastomoses and distal palmar anastomosis in the palm .


  4. Second , third dorsal metacarpal arteries was derived from dorsal carpal branch of radial artery and perforating branch of deep palmar arch respectively and their diameter was about ( 0.8 ± 0.2 ) mm each ;
